Archive | January, 2014

Protect Your Homes from Fires with Gutter Guards

30 Jan

The dry winter season that has swept Texas for days has put the outdoors at risk of wildfires. The eventual increase in temperature will put a lot of Texan land– and homes– at risk. The wildfire seasons of winter and summer will always put Texan firefighters on full alert, and that is why homeowners will be wise to take heed of the graveness of the situation. Continue reading

Protecting Your Gutters During the Winter Season

27 Jan

Wintertime is definitely a bane for most of your home exterior, particularly with the polar vortex causing multiple inches of snow to pile up on your roof and gutters. This can be especially treacherous unless you learn how to prevent snow buildup. Continue reading

Preventing Gutter Maintenance Accidents

24 Jan

Proper cleaning, maintenance, and repair is essential for the longevity and functionality of gutters and roofs. For homes with sloped roofs, though, the simple act of cleaning gutters can prove to be a treacherous prospect. Thankfully, there are ways for you to avoid slip and fall accidents on your roof. Continue reading

Considerations for Choosing Gutter Leaf Guards

21 Jan

Not all types of gutter protection systems are the same: some are designed for easy installation, but provide only adequate protection, while others require expert installation, which may guarantee a clog-free gutter system. The former is usually employed as a temporary fix until the latter can be put into place. Continue reading

What You Risk When You Neglect your Gutters?

18 Jan

Your gutters are important components of your roofing system, as it keeps storm water from staying stagnant on your roofing surface, as it could severely damage the structure. However, many people tend to neglect caring for their gutters, not even bothering to install efficient gutter guard systems for their own convenience. Continue reading

Don’t Ignore Ice Dams and Excess Snow Your Roof

15 Jan

Winter is not only the season for holidays, it’s also the season for ice dams and snow-burdened roofs. While they may seem harmless enough, these two can actually cause major headaches for your home and family.

Aside from potential water damage and the threat of a potential roof collapse, icicles that form on the roof can suddenly fall off and cause serious injuries. Icicles also drip water regularly, with the resulting puddle turning into a slipping hazard before long, especially if it forms along sidewalks or pathways.

It is acceptably far safer to simply take preemptive measures and install specific home additions that can control or eliminate the ice and snow that accumulates on the rooftop, rather than risk life and limb to remove them manually. One such option is to install a product like Heated Helmet by Gutter Helmet® that melts snow or ice so that they drain through the gutters like rainwater. Such a product can also be used in tandem with gutter guard systems.

Though you can use a shovel and a ladder to take care of this bothersome duo, you must exercise utmost caution if you wish to remove snow and ice chunks from the roof yourself. Along with a sensible gutter guard, it may be a wiser decision to install a reliable gutter splash guard system on every roof valley to prevent overflows.

Tips from a Gutter Expert: Choosing Reliable Gutter Guard Systems

15 Jan

“The best gutter system enables rainwater runoff to flow in the right direction without carrying items that can clog the water pathways. Gutter guard systems, on the other hand, protect the gutter system from clogging by covering the gutters and preventing leaves, tree limbs, and other debris from entering.

When choosing reliable gutter guard systems, there are several things to consider, including the system’s durability and the frequency of flushing the gutters once the guards are installed. Budget and roofing materials are also important factors since not all gutter guards are suited to all types of roofing material. For some homeowners, fire resistance is another major concern; most opt for flame-retardant polyethylene or metal guards.”

Keep Your Gutters Clog free with the High-quality Leaf Gutter Guards

14 Jan

What can make the situation worse is when gutters happen to be directly under the shade of a tree and thereby receive less sunlight. Rainwater also takes longer to dry up in such a scenario, and this provides the perfect environment for mold and mildew to thrive. Your home consequently sustains further structural damage, while household occupants face several health risks as a result of exposure to mold.

Thanks to modern gutter protection solutions, however, you don’t have to cut down your precious trees. You can opt for custom-fitted leaf gutter guards as a precaution and nip the problem in the bud, so to speak. Such a gutter protection system keeps leaves and other debris away, enabling gutters to direct rainwater away from your home’s walls and foundation. With gutter guards in place, you don’t need to climb on your roof every so often to keep your gutters clean, which can be rather dangerous.

Getting the Best Gutter Protection System

13 Jan

In cleaning or maintaining your house, you have to consider all sides and corners. The exteriors, where gutters, attached to the entire roofing system, belong, are as equally important as the interior parts of your home.

Gutter maintenance take a bit from your time and savings. It takes some effort to keep your gutters free of debris that may soon clog the rainwater channels. Some homeowners install protective gutter guards as a plausible solution to having professional roofers or cleaners clear the roof and gutters frequently throughout the year.

Not all gutter guards work, though, so be wary before you buy the product. Size matters when it comes to gutter protection. The gutter guards should be able to completely cover the width and length of your gutters. You can employ professional companies to get a quote estimate after their on-site inspection.

The type of material and condition of your roof are important points as well. This will determine if and how a gutter guard can be installed and which type suits your home. It is advisable to seek the services of a professional gutter guard installation company, for roofing work that will not affect the warranty on your roof. The most important consideration, of course, will be value for money, which means efficiency at a price worth its performance.

Gutter Guards Can Save You Time and Money

11 Jan

Gutters are important features of the house because they help prevent rain damage by controlling the flow of rainwater from the roof and diverting it to the ground. They also keep insects away from the basement and crawlspaces. However, some people fail to recognize the importance of well-maintained gutters in protecting their homes.

Uncovered gutters are a great source of possible damage, but can be prevented through regular cleaning. Most people, however, do not like cleaning the gutters because it is an arduous task. Furthermore, it requires using ladders, which can pose a danger of falling and getting injured.

If you hate cleaning gutters, you might want to install reliable gutter guards or gutter shields on them. These guards or shields act as your gutters’ protection from leaves and other debris that cause clogging. Though the installation of gutter guards may be costly, your initial investment will pay off in the long run, especially when you think about the time and energy you will save.

An effective gutter shield falls into three categories, namely screening agents, filling agents, and reverse curve. Screening agents fit over gutters and prevent leaves and other debris from entering gutters. Filling agents, on the other hand, are foams or bristles that fill in the gutter cavity and allow water to pass through but keep debris at the top. Lastly, reverse curve gutter guards are hoods that allow water to pass into the gutter, but shoot debris off into the ground.