The Advantages of Installing Gutter Shields

8 Feb

Your gutter system is an important part of your home as it properly disposes the water deflected by your roof. Many people tend to take their gutters for granted and only pay attention when a problem occurs and a contractor says that they are in such bad shape that they need to be replaced.

Installing a gutter shield system can help prevent gutters from sustaining damage. The best part is that the protection a gutter shield offers is not the only advantage of installing gutter shields. Here are a few more advantages:

No More Cleaning

Seeing as gutter shields prevent debris from entering the gutters, you no longer have to clean out the gutters twice a year. Not only does this save you time, it helps keep you safe as falling off a ladder while cleaning the gutters is a common risk homeowners expose themselves to.

Goodbye, Blockage

Keeping debris out also eliminates the chances of gutters from becoming blocked. This assures you that water will always be disposed of properly. In addition, no gutter blockage means no more ice dams in the winter.

Reduces Pests

Gutter shields help promote the continuous flow of water, eliminating stagnant water. This easily reduces the breeding ground options for pests like mosquitoes. At the same time, gutter shields prevent birds from making a nest in your gutters.

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